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A Day in the Life Of a Touring DJ with ANII

In this feature series, we ask professionals of the music industry what a day in their life looks like along with some insights on their job, the ups and downs, and more.
In this issue, we receive ANII, DJ and producer.

Your job description in your own words

An artist, created of something that always plays in my mind and lives in my soul. I don't

want to just create music that I love, but also want to share my vibe and love with other


What a day in your life looks like (a brief daily journal)

As soon as I get up its coffee time! Coffee, coffee, coffee! And then I go out for a run,

followed by studio time. I love my studio. I drink, studio, sleep and repeat! Also this depends

if I am at home, or going to a gig, as then its more coffee, shower, flight and some music

searching, sometimes making music at the hotel if I can and have time and the rave! TBC


Challenges and accomplishments

Everyday can be a challenge with my work as well as personally. I feel that really this job

means that I don't have much of a personal life at times, and music is all you know. But

that's also something I do not mind, as its my passion and keeps my heart happy. Everyday I

am proud that I can try and accomplish something, even if its small, sometimes the small

things make up to the bigger ones. I always work hard, and that my biggest accomplishment

which I will never give up.

Highlights (pros of the job)

Travelling and meeting new people is the best, this job allows me to do that constantly. I can

share my passion and music with others, which is a privilege. And oh, how can I forget that I

get to go to some nice dinners and eat amazing food on the way!

Lowlights (cons of the job)

Travelling seems like fun when you go on holiday, but its not when its part of your work!

Those long flights, delays, jet lag and not enough time to eat good food, and work on music

when on the road takes its toll. Balance is important.

Words of wisdom for people considering doing what you do

You need to feel music in you. For me, it has always felt natural and something that just

adds a huge bonus to my life. Forcing it won't work. You have to make sure you are willing to

also sacrifice a lot of things for it and spend a lot of time alone, on the road, at home, but if

you truly want this, then don't give up, push yourself and see where it goes.

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